提交摘要 Abstract submission
摘要上傳說明 Abstract Guidelines
報名得選擇poster only或poster+oral blitz (oral blitz主要內容以介紹poster為主)。選擇poster only者須上傳word檔摘要;選擇poster+oral blitz者除word檔摘要之外,另需上傳PowerPoint檔報告內容。
For abstract submission, all registers can choose either poster only or poster+oral blitz (Note: The main content of oral blitz is to introduce their posters). Those who decide poster only need to upload the abstract (word file); those who decide poster+oral blitz need to upload the abstract (word file) and slide for presentation (PowerPoint file).
1. word檔poster摘要限以英文撰寫,內容須包含1. 投稿學會 2. 英文題目 3. 姓名 4. 服務單位 5. 摘要內容 (字數限制為350字),且整體內容不得超過A4一頁。可由此下載Abstract範本參考。(編號部分為工作人員分類編排,請勿自行填寫)
字體樣式:一律選用Times New Roman
The poster abstract (word file) can only be written in English, and the content must include 1. Affiliated society; 2. English title; 3. Author names; 4. Institution; 5. Abstract content (word limit is 350 words). Please note that the page limitation is one page (A4 size). You can download the Abstract template here. Note: please do not fill the number in the heading of the word file template. TSfN staff will fill the number for the purpose of poster sorting.
Font style: Times New Roman
Font size: Title 14th, remaining 12th
Line spacing: the abstract content: 1.5 times
the line-height, and the other: 1 times the line-height
2. PowerPoint檔oral blitz內容需包含首頁之標題、姓名、服務單位、關鍵字(方便工作人員分類),整體內容以5頁為限(不含標題頁)。製作投影片請務必下載oral範本做修改,且勿更動投影片尺寸大小,如更動致使報告內容遭刪修,概由作者自行負責。
The content of the oral blitz (the PowerPoint file) must include the title, speaker name, institution, and keywords at the home page (for classification by staff). The page limitation is 5 pages (excluding the title page). Please download the oral template to modify for your own slides, and do not change the size of the slides. If the changed size of the slide causes data loss or technical problems for the presentation, the authors should take the responsibility themselves.
3. 在投稿期間均可自由修改標題與上傳檔案,一旦投稿截止不得修改,請務必於投稿截止前確認上傳內容,大會手冊(電子版)內容將根據您上傳的資料彙整。
Before the deadline of the abstraction submission, you can freely modify the title and re-upload files. As soon as the submission deadline is due, further editing is not allowed. Please confirm the uploaded content before the submission deadline, because the content of the conference booklet (electronic version) will be presented based on the information you uploaded.
三分鐘演講 (oral blitz),是配合壁報論文發表,期待大家簡要地介紹自己團隊的研究主題,擅長技術平台與研究成果;然後在壁報發表時段,有充分時間討論,進行學術交流及腦力激盪。
The oral blitz must combine with a poster presentation, so it is to briefly introduce your team's research topics, technical platforms, and research results. Then, we will have sufficient time for discussion, idea exchange, and brainstorm during the poster section.
海報製作說明 Poster Specifications
海報背板尺寸為(高x寬) 120 x 90 公分(直幅),建議海報製作尺寸為(高x寬) 108 x 77 公分(直幅)
Presenters are asked to show
up by their posters during the poster session.
Each poster presenter is assigned with a poster board of 90 cm (W) and 120 cm
We recommend the poster size to be 77 cm (W) and 108 cm (H).